Saturday, February 23, 2013

Privatization and College Binge Drinking

There is a link between college drinking and privatization of colleges, although it may not be obvious.  Schools that have turned to privatization generally also concern themselves more with making money and getting students to apply to their schools than they do for the quality of the education at the school.

Binge drinking in college usually leads to students doing worse academically.  Students are out late at night drinking and don't have time to complete their academic assignments.  This leads to handing in assignments late and even failing and dropping out of classes.  

Unfortunately, these private colleges aren't as concerned as they should be with students failing course or even dropping out altogether as long as they are still getting their money.  This leads to less regulation of college drinking and less focus on improving the actual learning environment for students.  

Privatization clearly isn't the sole cause of binge drinking in college because I believe the bigger reason behind binge drinking is a social/cultural aspect, but privatization certainly isn't helping the situation.

1 comment:

  1. You might at least ask the question, as you research, of whether schools turn a blind eye to or even implicitly or tacitly encourage alcohol consumption due to privatization. See, for instance, Sperber's "Beer and Circus."
