Saturday, March 2, 2013


Chao, Tiffany, Dr. "Binge Drinking College Students Report Being Happier." ABC News. ABC News Network, 20 Aug. 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.
LaBrie, Joseph W., Justin F. Hummer, Eric R. Pedersen, Andrew Lac, and Taona Chithambo. "Measuring College Students' Motives behind Prepartying Drinking: Development and Validation of the Prepartying Motivations Inventory." Elsivier, 1 Aug. 2012. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.
Marczinski, Cecile A., Estee C. Grant, and Vincent J. Grant. Binge Drinking in Adolescents and College Students. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science, 2009. Print.
Vander, Ven Thomas. Getting Wasted: Why College Students Drink Too Much and Party so Hard. New York: New York UP, 2011. Print.
Wechsler, Henry, and Bernice Wuethrich. Dying to Drink: Confronting Binge Drinking on College Campuses. [Emmaus, Pa.]: Rodale, 2002. Print.
Woodyard, Catherine D., Jeffrey S. Hallam, and John P. Bently. "Drinking Norms: Predictors of Misperceptions among College Students." ResearchGate. American Journal of Health Behavior, 11 Jan. 2013. Web. 26 Feb. 2013.


  1. For something like the ABC News report, you should track down the original study on which the report is based. Also, it makes me wonder if "ignorance is bliss"....

  2. You need to catch up with the lit reviews.
